
“The favela is a stronghold of creativity, invention, full entrepreneurship, the arts, affection and solidarity. And, if we agree, lack is not a feature here.” (MV Bill)


Develop educational training in Blockchain and Web3 for peripheral communities, using decentralization to solve social and economic problems.


We aim to use blockchain technology to bring value, innovation, creativity, economic resources, and sovereignty to peripheral communities

The project

Blcktopia is a Refaz Brasil initiative, an educational project that brings Blockchain, Web3, and decentralized technologies to peripheral communities and other vulnerable social groups. We firmly believe that knowledge is a potent tool for empowerment and life transformation.

We employ regenerative and decentralized finance to develop our courses and bring about tangible transformations for our students and the people we reach

The problem that we try to solve

Web3 represents a fundamental shift in the utilization, sharing, and harnessing of network resources—a significant departure from established social paradigms. However, to truly establish itself as an instrument of emancipation, it must prioritize the inclusive engagement of diverse locations, individuals, modes of thinking, and languages.

We firmly advocate for the comprehensive engagement of entire communities, particularly those situated on the periphery, far from centers of power and participation. By facilitating access, we enable the conversion of their inherent creative potential and unique production systems into wellsprings of innovation, creativity, and revitalization.

Brazilian peripheral communities, including favelas, ravines, and hills, have borne the brunt of discriminatory policies stemming from a historical legacy of exclusion, structural racism, and marginalization—an issue in which even the Brazilian State has been complicit. These communities face significant deficits in terms of exclusionary policies, educational frameworks, and readiness for emerging technologies.

Our History

________ 2022 - The beginnig

The project emerged in Belo Horizonte, and our first experience was carried out with artists and partners from Casa do Hip Hop, located in Conjunto Taquaril.

A region of extreme vulnerability, but which opened its doors and became important partners in the project

Find out more at:

Hip Hop House

Casa do Hip Hop - Conjunto Taquaril, BH, Brasil

Casa do Hip Hop - Conjunto Taquaril, BH, Brasil

Eu Amo Minha Quebrada - Morro do Papagaio, BH, Brasil

Eu Amo Minha Quebrada - Morro do Papagaio, BH, Brasil

_______ 2023 - The Road

Next, it was Morro do Papagaio's turn, in partnership with the Movimento Eu Amo Minha Quebrada we did training with young people.

Among the topics, training on basic financial education, tokenization, smart contracts, web3 and blockchain

Find out more at:

Papagaio - EuAmoMinhaQuebrada

_______ 2023 - Tokenização em prática

A iniciativa Recicla Kids propõe conscientizar e formar crianças sobre o meio ambiente e formas de vida sustentável.

Em parceria com a Detrash, transformamos os resíduos plásticos recolhidos pelas crianças em ativos digitais, que foram trocados por dinheiro e fomentaram o projeto social Eu Amo Minha Quebrada

Saiba mais em:

_______ 2023 - Tokenização em prática

The Recicla Kids initiative aims to raise awareness and train children about the environment and sustainable ways of living.

In partnership with Detrash, we transformed plastic waste collected by children into digital assets, which were exchanged for money and promoted the social project Eu Amo Minha Quebrada

Find out more at:

Recicla Kids - Environment Week

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